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The Best CRM Software for Small Business

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a system for managing a company’s interactions with current and future customers.

CRM products come with many features and tools and it is important for a company to choose a product based on their specific organizational needs.

For small businesses a CRM system may simply consist of a contact manager system which integrates emails, documents, jobs, faxes, and scheduling for individual accounts.3 solutions below is very suitable and economic for start up and small business:




Salesforce is an all-in-one, cloud-based solution that has everything you need in a CRM software. Salesforce's small business edition lets you take advantage of the product's robust set of CRM tools and resources at an affordable, small-business-friendly price. The platform is very easy to use and includes key features like lead generation, contact and opportunity management, sales forecasting, workflow automation, and much more.


Insightly is a simple, but feature-rich CRM software fits the bill for microbusinesses. It has all the basic capabilities that really small businesses need in a CRM software, but is also highly scalable as your business grows. Additionally, Insightly is one of the most affordable CRM solutions available; there's a free version to help you get started, and paid plans start at a fraction of the price of comparable CRM software.

Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM is powerful CRM software that doesn't compromise on capabilities just because you're not paying for it. Unlike other free CRM, Zoho CRM offers all the core functionalities of CRM software and lets you onboard up to 10 users at no extra cost. You'll also have access to your data anytime, anywhere using Zoho CRM's mobile app, without having to purchase a plan.

1 comment

  1. Simply Great explanation about the available CRM's in the market... sales force is the best choice for me..... Thanks for the post ... i would like to see more...

    Salesforce Training Hyderabad
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