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App that lets you have up to six different phone numbers simultaneously active on your smartphone

Flyp is a new iOS/Android app that lets you have up to six different phone numbers simultaneously active on your smartphone. The first number is free and each additional “premium” phone number (a maximum of five) costs $2.99 per month (or $29.99 per year) to maintain. The Flyp app manages all the numbers, voicemail, text messages, and notifications.

It’s also important to note that the intention of and messaging behind Flyp is different from other disposable number apps out there like Burner or Hushed, whose uses often seem somewhat ambiguous. Flyp numbers are instead permanent numbers—or at least last as long as you keep paying your monthly bill.

Flyp have Quick Reply text messages (similar to Android Quick Responses). However the company are not going to market with Voicemail to Text transcription, but it’s on their roadmap for a later launch.


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