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Check out 6 sites to make some extra money in your free time


All you have to do is sign up for a free account and complete tasks to earn points, or Swag Bucks. The exchange rate is 100 Swag Bucks for $1, and you can redeem Swag Bucks for Amazon gift cards or cash out via PayPal.
Swagbucks also offers various mobile apps that you can use to earn $25 or more every month, just for running videos. You can make around [$0.50 to $1] a day off this depending on how good the app is.


Like Swagbucks, EarnHoney also gives you money for watching videos, playing games, shopping online, and taking surveys.
The site gives you Honey Dollars for completing their “entertainment activities,” which you can redeem for gift cards or cash out via PayPal or direct deposit.
The exchange rate is 100 Honey Dollars for $1, and you can get 5 free Honey Dollars every day just for logging into your account.
You can running EarnHoney at night while you’re sleeping.
If you have a PC/Laptop that you are not using this is probably worth running all day on there and probably make about $3-$4 dollars a day off it.


InstaGC gives you money for visiting websites, doing tasks, and watching videos and lets you cash out whenever you want.Pretty easy money for doing basically nothing except sometimes checking to see if the website crashed.”
For example, you can get $1 gift cards on InstaGC every time you rack up 100 points whereas the lowest gift card amount on Swagbucks is $3.


Like Swagbucks and Earnhoney, Gifthulk gives you money for completing surveys, searching the web, shopping online, playing games, and more,but you can cash out via Bitcoin.
The exchange rate on this site is 1,000 Hulk Coins for $1, and you can earn up to 600 Hulk Coins just by using referral link.
Some people have made up to $80 in three weeks using Gifthulk.


CashCrate is a great website that pays well.
CashCrate gives you money for completing surveys, watching videos, and making referrals. The site has a $20 minimum payout and sends you a check once a month.


PrizeRebel is another highly recommended Get-Paid-To site that seems to pay well.PrizeRebel gives you money for taking surveys, completing tasks, and watching videos. You can redeem points for Bitcoins and gift cards or cash out via PayPal and direct deposit.

By Make Money Blog



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