Nhận thông báo tin tức mới Đăng ký
November 2014

Hue’s largest imperial tomb set for makeover

A temple in Emperor Tu Duc’s Tomb complex. Photo: Bui Ngoc Long Authorities in the central province of Thua Thien-Hue have approved a US$4.92-m…

Mr. Ha Van Tham- Chair of Ocean Group

Tham is likely to be named the second dollar billionaire in Vietnam Tham is one of the top 10 richest people on Vietnam's stock market. After…

Legal Advice: Software as capital contribution

Contributing capital with software is a new method for Vietnamese enterprises. When applying this method, enterprises need to notice matters concerni…

Office applications will connect with the cloud service Dropbox

(  vietnam business times  )  Users Office applications in the future can manage and share files via the online storage service Dropbox, besides the …
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